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1 Peter 2:7 meaning

The opening phrase directs attention to a distinct group—those who believe. The term "honor" implies a position of esteem and privilege. In the context of faith in Christ, believers are granted a special honor that comes from acknowledging and accepting the cornerstone, Jesus Christ.

  • The Rejected Cornerstone:

"...but for those who are disobedient, 'The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.'"

This quote, taken from Psalm 118:22, emphasizes the dual nature of the cornerstone. It was initially rejected by builders but has now assumed a position of utmost importance. The rejection by some does not diminish the significance of the cornerstone; rather, it highlights the contrasting responses to Christ.

Theological Significance: Christ, the Cornerstone

  • Believers' Honor:

The honor bestowed upon believers is rooted in their recognition and acceptance of Jesus Christ as the cornerstone. In embracing Him, believers become part of the spiritual edifice that God is constructing.

  • Disobedience and Rejection:

The mention of those who are disobedient highlights a sobering reality—the rejection of the cornerstone. This disobedience does not negate the cornerstone's significance but points to the varied responses people have to Christ.

  • Christ, the Chief Cornerstone:

The title "chief cornerstone" denotes the foundational and pivotal role of Christ in God's redemptive plan. He is not just one stone among many; He is the cornerstone upon which the entire structure of faith rests.

Practical Implications: Faith and Response

  • Honoring Christ through Faith:

The verse encourages believers to find honor in their faith in Christ. The acknowledgment of Jesus as the cornerstone is not just a theological concept but a personal and transformative conviction that brings honor to the believer.

  • Reflecting on Responses:

It prompts a reflection on the diverse responses to Christ. Some embrace Him, recognizing His significance, while others reject Him. This invites believers to consider their own stance and the stance of those around them toward the cornerstone.

  • Sharing the Marvelous Story:

The marvel of the rejected stone becoming the chief cornerstone is a powerful narrative that believers are called to share. It's a story of redemption, transformation, and the sovereign plan of God unfolding in unexpected ways.


Matthew 21:42: "Jesus said to them, 'Did you never read in the Scriptures, 'The stone which the builders rejected was made the head of the corner. This was from the Lord. It is marvelous in our eyes'?'" This passage aligns with 1 Peter 2:7, as Jesus Himself quotes the same Old Testament prophecy to highlight the significance of His role as the rejected cornerstone.

Acts 4:11: "This is 'the stone which was regarded as worthless by you, the builders, which has become the head of the corner.'" In the early Christian preaching recorded in Acts, the apostles reference the rejected cornerstone, reinforcing its central role in the Christian message.

Conclusion - The Honor of Belief and the Marvel of Redemption: 1 Peter 2:7 encapsulates a profound truth about the cornerstone, Jesus Christ. It illuminates the honor bestowed upon those who believe in Him while underscoring the historical rejection that has become a cornerstone of redemption. As believers, we find honor in recognizing Christ's central role, and we are invited to share the marvelous story of the rejected stone becoming the chief cornerstone.

See also: vs 5-6

1 Peter 2:7. For you who believe therefore is the honor, but for those who are disobedient, “The stone which the builders rejected, has become the chief cornerstone.”

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