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2 Corinthians 13:11 meaning

This verse comes at the end of Paul's second letter to the church in Corinth. Throughout the letter, Paul has been addressing a variety of issues that were causing problems within the church, including divisions, false teachers, and immoral behavior. In this verse, Paul offers some final words of encouragement and instruction to the church before concluding his letter.

  • The first thing that Paul urges the Corinthians to do is to rejoice. The Greek word translated as "rejoice" is chairo, which means "to be glad" or "to be full of joy." This exhortation to rejoice is not simply a call to feel happy, but it is a command to have a deep and abiding sense of joy that comes from knowing and trusting in God.
  • The second thing that Paul urges the Corinthians to do is to strive for full restoration. The Greek word translated as "restoration" is katartizo, which means "to make complete" or "to mend." The idea here is that the Corinthians should work towards being fully reconciled to one another and to God, overcoming the divisions and conflicts that had been plaguing the church.
  • The third thing that Paul urges the Corinthians to do is to encourage one another. The Greek word translated as "encourage" is parakaleo, which means "to call alongside" or "to exhort." Paul is calling on the Corinthians to come alongside one another and offer words of encouragement and support, helping each other to grow in their faith and in their walk with God.
  • The fourth thing that Paul urges the Corinthians to do is to be of one mind. The Greek word translated as "mind" is phroneo, which means "to think" or "to have the same mindset." Paul is calling on the Corinthians to be united in their beliefs and in their approach to living out their faith, avoiding the divisions and conflicts that had been causing problems within the church.
  • The fifth and final thing that Paul urges the Corinthians to do is to live in peace. The Greek word translated as "peace" is eirene, which refers to a state of tranquility and harmony. Paul is calling on the Corinthians to live in a way that promotes peace, both within the church and in their interactions with the wider world.

Taken together, these five exhortations form a powerful call to the Corinthians to live in a way that honors God and promotes unity and harmony within the church. The verse reminds us that the Christian life is not just about individual salvation, but it is also about living in community with one another, supporting and encouraging each other as we seek to grow in our faith.

Furthermore, this verse reminds us that God is a God of love and peace, and that as we strive to live in accordance with His will, He will be with us, empowering us and guiding us along the way. This promise of God's presence and blessing serves as a powerful motivation for us to live out the exhortations that Paul gives us in this verse.

Overall, 2 Corinthians 13:11 is a powerful reminder of the importance of unity, love, and peace in the Christian life. It challenges us to strive towards these ideals, both within our church communities and in our interactions with the wider world, and it reminds us that as we do so, God will be with us, empowering us and guiding us every step of the way.

2 Corinthians 13:11. Be perfected, be comforted, be of the same mind, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you.

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