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2 Samuel 9:1 meaning

This verse from the Second Book of Samuel provides a poignant glimpse into the compassionate heart of David, the shepherd-king of Israel. To understand the depth of David's inquiry, it's crucial to consider the historical context. David, now firmly established as king, reflects on his covenant friendship with Jonathan, the son of Saul, the previous king. Despite Saul's enmity towards David, Jonathan had shown unwavering loyalty and friendship to him.

Jonathan and David had made a covenant of friendship, and when Jonathan died in battle, David lamented the loss of his dear friend. Now, seated on the throne, David's heart turns to an expression of kindness in honor of that covenant.

  • David's Question: Any Left of Saul's House?

David's question reveals his desire to fulfill a promise he had made to Jonathan:

Any Left of Saul's House: David's inquiry is about finding any surviving member of Saul's house. This reflects a commitment to extend kindness not just to Jonathan but to any descendant of Saul.

Showing Kindness for Jonathan's Sake: The motive behind David's question is rooted in the covenant of friendship with Jonathan. David seeks to honor that covenant by extending kindness to a descendant of Saul's house.

Significance for Us Today

Honoring Covenant Relationships: The passage reflects the importance of honoring promises and commitments, especially in the context of relationships. David's commitment to show kindness is a testament to the value he places on the covenant he made with Jonathan.

Extending Kindness Beyond Expectations: David's willingness to show kindness to a descendant of Saul, despite the historical enmity, demonstrates a generosity that goes beyond societal norms. Believers are encouraged to go above and beyond in extending grace and kindness.

Remembering and Honoring the Past: David's question is a deliberate remembrance of his friendship with Jonathan. Believers are prompted to reflect on the positive influences and relationships from their past and consider how they can continue to honor them.


Proverbs 3:3-4: "Don’t let kindness and truth forsake you. Bind them around your neck. Write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and man." This passage emphasizes the enduring value of kindness, similar to David's intention in 2 Samuel 9:1.

Matthew 5:7: "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, highlights the reciprocal nature of kindness and mercy, resonating with David's desire to show kindness.

Conclusion: 2 Samuel 9:1 offers a glimpse into David's compassionate heart and his commitment to honor the covenant of friendship. Believers are inspired by this passage to uphold their commitments, extend kindness beyond expectations, and remember and honor the positive influences of their past. In a world that often values retaliation, David's question stands as a testament to the transformative power of kindness rooted in covenant relationships.

2 Samuel 9:1. David said, “Is there yet any who is left of Saul’s house, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan’s sake?”

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