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Acts 12:7 meaning

This verse is part of a story in which the apostle Peter was imprisoned by King Herod. The night before Peter was to be brought before Herod for trial, an angel of the Lord came to him in his cell and struck him on the side, telling him to arise quickly. The chains that had been binding Peter fell off, and he was able to escape from the prison.

This verse is significant because it demonstrates the power and protection of God, even in the darkest and most difficult circumstances. Despite being imprisoned and facing certain death, Peter was delivered from his troubles by the power of God. This story serves as a reminder of the hope and encouragement that we have in God, even when we face difficult situations.

The story of Peter's escape from prison is an important example of how God is able to work in mysterious and powerful ways. It shows that God is able to use even the most unlikely people and circumstances to accomplish his will and to protect his people.

The reference to the angel of the Lord is also significant. Angels in the Bible are often seen as messengers from God, and their appearance often signals the presence and power of God. The fact that an angel appeared to Peter in his prison cell shows that God was with him and was working to deliver him from his troubles.

The fact that the chains fell off from Peter's hands is also significant. This symbolizes the release from bondage and the freedom that comes from being in a right relationship with God. It also serves as a reminder of the power of God to set us free from the things that bind us and to give us new life in Christ.

In conclusion, it is a verse that highlights the power and protection of God in difficult circumstances, and the freedom and release that comes from being in a right relationship with God. It serves as a reminder of the hope and encouragement that we have in God, and of his ability to deliver us from even the most challenging situations.

Acts 12:7. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side, and woke him up, saying, “Stand up quickly!” His chains fell off from his hands.

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