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Acts 14:27 meaning

This verse is situated in the broader context of Paul and Barnabas' first missionary journey, where they traveled to various regions, proclaiming the Gospel and establishing communities of believers. The specific arrival mentioned in this verse is likely their return to the sending church in Antioch.

  • Gathering the Assembly:

The act of gathering the assembly signifies the importance of community and shared worship in the early Christian context. The believers come together to hear the report of Paul and Barnabas, creating a sense of unity and shared purpose.

  • Reporting God's Work:

The heart of Acts 14:27 lies in the report given by Paul and Barnabas. Instead of focusing on their own achievements or experiences, they direct attention to "all the things that God had done with them." This attribution to God underscores the understanding that their mission was not merely a human endeavor but a partnership with the divine.

  • Opening a Door of Faith:

The key phrase in the verse is the declaration that God "had opened a door of faith to the nations." This metaphorical language suggests a divine initiative in making the message of faith accessible and inviting to diverse people groups. The imagery of an open door conveys the idea of opportunity, accessibility, and inclusivity in the spread of the Gospel.

Implications for Believers:

Recognition of God's Activity: The emphasis on reporting what God had done encourages believers to recognize and acknowledge God's active involvement in their lives and ministries.

Humility in Reporting: Paul and Barnabas exemplify humility by attributing their success to God. Believers are reminded to approach their achievements with a sense of gratitude and dependence on God.

Opportunities for Faith: The metaphor of God opening a door of faith underscores the idea that faith is not solely an individual pursuit but a collective opportunity extended to diverse nations. Believers are called to embrace and share this message of faith.


1 Corinthians 16:9: "For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries." Paul, in a different context, uses a similar metaphor of an open door to describe opportunities for fruitful ministry despite challenges.

Colossians 4:3: "Meanwhile praying also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds." This verse from Colossians reflects Paul's ongoing desire for open doors to proclaim the Gospel.

Acts 14:27 resonates with contemporary believers as a reminder to gather in community, humbly acknowledge God's work in our lives, and actively participate in the opportunities presented by an open door of faith. Just as Paul and Barnabas reported to their assembly, believers today are encouraged to share their experiences of God's faithfulness and proclaim the Gospel in diverse and accessible ways.

Acts 14:27. When they had arrived, and had gathered the assembly together, they reported all the things that God had done with them, and that he had opened a door of faith to the nations.

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