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Advertising Policy

TalkToTheWord is committed to freely providing the PIB Scriptures.
We are also committed to tithing to the hungry and thirsty, to strangers, and those who can’t afford clothes, are sick, or in prison Matthew 25:44-45. However, in order to support this ministry and to improve it, as well as having enough to be charitable, we will rent space on the website to advertisers through Google AdSense under strict conditions. Advertisements on are not endorsed and we do not encourage materialism but accept that society requires the exchange of goods and services. Information about those commodities should be used to make better choices rather than acquire more items or entertainment that will be consumed by 'moths, rust or thieves.' Matthew 6:19-21

Only ethical advertising will be accepted and every effort has been made to restrict advertisements to commodities that do not cause harm to individuals, society or our environment.  Please report ads that contravene these standards.  Also advertising is restricted to the bottom of pages that contain PIB Scripture reference material because we aim to encourage Bible study, meditation on the Word of God and charitable giving without distractions to users’ concentration. 

Making a distinction between commercial and non-commercial pages is analogous to Jesus and the disciples being inside or outside the temple. When ‘inside his Father’s house’ Jesus drove out the merchants selling animals for sacrifice or money changers enabling foreigners to buy those animals for their worship of God Matthew 21:12-13. Outside the temple, both businesses were critical for the religious observance of God’s people. Inside the temple, they were a distraction from the relationship between their Heavenly Father and his children. Likewise, pages about the TalkToTheWord Apps are the roads leading up to the Word of God. These are ‘outside’ where commerce is a part of normal life. Once ‘inside,’ where the focus is on the PIB Scriptures, it is important to keep the pages free from the distractions of the world so that you can concentrate on our higher calling.  TalkToTheWord can not control third party sites that display PIB Scriptures beside advertising though this is discouraged. 

For information about how TalkToTheWord promotes the Bible through Google Search, please see the Evangelism Program, which commissions Scriptures via PayPal.

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