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Colossians 3:3-6 meaning

In these verses, the Apostle Paul encourages the believers in Colossae to live in light of their new identity in Christ. Let's delve into the key messages conveyed in these verses:

  • Our New Life in Christ:

"For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God." This phrase highlights the transformation that takes place when we become followers of Christ. Through faith, we die to our old selves and are raised to new life. Our new life is not only found in Christ but also hidden with Him in God. It speaks of our intimate connection with Him and our participation in His divine nature.

  • The Promise of Future Glory:

"When Christ, our life, is revealed, then you will also be revealed with him in glory." This verse points to the future hope of believers. It reminds us that although our new life is currently hidden, there will come a time when Christ, who is our life, will be revealed in all His glory. And when that happens, we will also be revealed with Him, experiencing the fullness of our transformed and glorified state.

  • Putting to Death Earthly Desires:

"Put to death therefore your members which are on the earth: sexual immorality, uncleanness, depraved passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry." Here, Paul urges believers to actively reject and eliminate the sinful practices that characterize their former way of life. He specifically mentions various immoral behaviors and desires, emphasizing the need to break free from them. He warns that these earthly desires lead to idolatry and provoke God's wrath.

In the broader context of Colossians 3, Paul instructs the Colossian believers to set their minds on things above, to put off the old self, and to put on the new self in Christ. He urges them to live in a manner that reflects their identity as God's chosen people, showing compassion, forgiveness, and love toward one another.

As we reflect on Colossians 3:3-6, it invites us to embrace the reality of our new life in Christ. We are called to live in a way that aligns with our transformed identity. Our old selves, with their sinful desires, have been put to death, and our new life is hidden with Christ in God.

These verses remind us of the promise of future glory. We eagerly await the day when Christ will be revealed in all His splendor, and we will be revealed with Him. This truth encourages us to persevere in our faith, knowing that our present sufferings are temporary, and a glorious future awaits us.

Moreover, Paul's exhortation to put to death earthly desires challenges us to examine our lives and actively remove anything that hinders our spiritual growth. We are called to live in obedience to God, rejecting immoral behaviors, evil desires, and covetousness. By doing so, we avoid falling into the trap of idolatry and experiencing the consequences of God's wrath.

May Colossians 3:3-6 inspire us to live out our new identity in Christ. Let us continually set our minds on heavenly things, seeking to grow in holiness and righteousness. May we embrace the hope of future glory and strive to put to death the earthly desires that hinder our relationship with God. By God's grace and with the help of the Holy Spirit, may our lives reflect the transformative power of the gospel and bring glory to our Savior, Jesus Christ.

May we pursue a life that is pleasing to God, relying on His strength to overcome the temptations of this world. Let us support and encourage one another as we journey together in faith, striving to live in a manner worthy of our calling in Christ.

Colossians 3:3-6. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, our life, is revealed, then you will also be revealed with him in glory. Put to death therefore your members which are on the earth: sexual immorality, uncleanness, depraved passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry; for which things’ sake the wrath of God comes on the children of disobedience.

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