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Evangelism Program

Proclaiming the WORD into the World

You can show Bible verses to non-believers 
in their Google searches

TalkToTheWord adds over 2 million PIB Scriptures into Google Search and Display each year ($115,000 donated Ads over the last year). Targeted language displays include 83K p.a. in Indonesia and 84K p.a. in the Middle East & North Africa. With your help we will add more verses into Google results.  People searching the Internet all around the world will be shown Scriptures that they may never see in their daily life: evangelism door-knocking online. Everyone can partner to show the Bible to more people.

Also church groups with a strong online presence and a committed team of evangelists who can witness and disciple remotely, then link new converts to a local fellowship, can apply for customised Search Results showing a link to their Contact Us webpage.  These can also be aimed at specific countries. Please forward your URL and request details in the sidebar Contact Form. 

Please use PayPal and add your prayers to the Comments box below.

$1 gets us 500 Bible 'door-knocks' into Google Search

Donate to Show
Verses in Searches

Plus Targeted Missions to:

Afghanistan - India - Indonesia - Middle East - North Africa - Pakistan

These People Might Never Have Read the Bible 

For $7 US (9.30AUD),  16,900 people were shown God's Word online!

For just $38.50 US (60AUD),  202,000 people were shown God's Word online!

We believe that the Word of God will draw people to Jesus Christ and that spreading Scripture through Google partly fulfils the great commission,
Go into all the world, and preach the Good News to the whole creation.

Where the Scriptures Were Viewed in 2023-2024

Top 100 Countries Reached This Year

Total Users This Year: 477,000     Total Users All time: 1,716,000

And, even though we don’t see the fruit growing, we don’t have to be both the 'sower' and the 'reaper,' according to Christ,
Behold, I tell you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, that they are white for harvest already. He who reaps receives wages and gathers fruit to eternal life; that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this the saying is true, ‘One sows, and another reaps.’

As well as Paul’s teaching,
Who then is Apollos, and who is Paul, but servants through whom you believed; and each as the Lord gave to him? I planted. Apollos watered. But God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.

So, to enable God’s ‘seeds to be sown on the good soil,’ you can buy Google Search results that display PIB Scriptures to anyone.  TalkToTheWord will then commission inspiring PIB Scriptures to be displayed through Google Ads and together we will imitate our Lord:
He has scattered abroad, he has given to the poor. His righteousness remains forever. Now may he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food, supply and multiply your seed for sowing, and increase the fruits of your righteousness.

What We Achieve in Partnership

$10 will display >   6,000 Scriptures*
$25 will display > 15,000 Scriptures*
$50 will display > 30,000 Scriptures*
$100 will display > 60,000 Scriptures*

$7  will display  >   6,000 Scriptures*
$17 will display > 15,000 Scriptures*
$35 will display > 30,000 Scriptures*
$70 will display > 60,000 Scriptures*

*Numbers are approximate because different search results are more or less competitive and Google adjusts the cost per display accordingly. Volumes are based on previous results.

A mere 5% administration fee means 95% is spent on delivering PIB Scriptures through Google Ads.

If you provide a return email address, TalkToTheWord will send you an invoice and a screen-grab of the thousands of times these Scriptures were shown across the world. Partnership amounts are not tax deductible.

Sample Google Search Results


  1. Our Father, Thank you for your Son. I ask you to use me to share Him with non-believers so they may come back to you! Amen!

  2. Lord Jesus lets feel the beauty of Your Most Holy Living presence every breath amen

  3. Abba Father help us to live to please you all the days of our lives in Jesus name


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