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Ezekiel 13:3 meaning

In this verse, the prophet Ezekiel is delivering a message from Yahweh to the foolish prophets who were operating during his time. These false prophets were claiming to speak on behalf of God, but were actually following their own desires and whims, rather than seeking the true will of Yahweh.

The term "woe" is used to express a sense of grief, sorrow, or warning, and it is often used in the Bible to condemn actions or behaviors that go against God's will. In this case, Yahweh is pronouncing a "woe" upon the foolish prophets who were misleading the people and speaking lies in his name.

The phrase "who follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing" is particularly significant in this verse. It implies that the false prophets were not actually receiving divine revelations, but were instead relying on their own intuition or desires to guide their messages. They claimed to have seen visions and heard the voice of God, but in reality, they were only speaking from their own imaginations.

This message is significant because it warns against the dangers of false prophets, who can lead people astray and deceive them with their words. In the Bible, false prophets are often associated with idolatry, rebellion, and spiritual blindness. They are those who claim to speak on behalf of God but lead people away from his true message.

The passage also underscores the importance of seeking the truth in our spiritual lives. Rather than relying on our own intuition or desires, we must seek out God's will through prayer, study, and reflection. This involves a willingness to submit ourselves to God's guidance, even when it challenges our own desires or beliefs.

Overall, Ezekiel 13:3 is a warning against false prophets and a call to seek the truth in our spiritual lives. It emphasizes the importance of discernment and a willingness to submit ourselves to God's will, rather than following our own desires and impulses.

Ezekiel 13:3. Thus says the Lord Yahweh, Woe to the foolish prophets, who follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!

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