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Isaiah 49:23


shall be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers. They will bow down to you with their faces to the earth, and lick the dust of your feet; Then you will know that I am Yahweh; and those who wait for me shall not be disappointed.”
Isaiah 49:23

Context / meaning

Isaiah 49 [20.] The children of your bereavement will say in your ears,
‘This place is too small for me.
Give me a place to live in.’
Then you will say in your heart, ‘Who has conceived these for me, since I have been bereaved of my children,
and am solitary, an exile, and wandering back and forth?
Who has brought these up?
Behold, I was left alone. Where were these?’”
Thus says the Lord Yahweh, “Behold, I will lift up my hand to the nations,
and lift up my banner to the peoples;
and they shall bring your sons in their bosom,
and your daughters shall be carried on their shoulders.
Kings shall be your foster fathers,
and their queens your nursing mothers.
They will bow down to you with their faces to the earth,
and lick the dust of your feet;
Then you will know that I am Yahweh;
and those who wait for me shall not be disappointed.”

Shall the plunder be taken from the mighty,
or the lawful captives be delivered?

Isaiah 49 [25.] But Yahweh says, “Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away,
and the plunder retrieved from the fierce;
for I will contend with him who contends with you,
and I will save your children.

kings & queens
PIB Scriptures are derived from the World English Bible

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