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Jeremiah 29:7 meaning

This is situated within a letter that the prophet Jeremiah wrote to the Jewish exiles in Babylon, and it conveys a message of hope, responsibility, and the importance of seeking the welfare of the community where one resides. 

  • A Message of Hope Amidst Exile:

The historical context of this verse is essential for understanding its significance. The Jewish people had been carried away into Babylonian exile due to their disobedience to God. In this letter, Jeremiah encouraged the exiles to build houses, plant gardens, and seek the welfare of the city where they now found themselves. It was a message of hope in a seemingly hopeless situation.

  • Responsibility to Contribute to Society:

"Seek the peace of the city" underscores the responsibility of believers to be active participants in the well-being of their communities. Even in a foreign land, the exiles were encouraged to pray for the prosperity and peace of Babylon. This reminds us that as followers of God, we are called to be contributors to the welfare of the places where we live.

  • The Concept of Shalom:

The Hebrew word for "peace" used in this verse is "shalom." Shalom encompasses not just the absence of conflict but also the presence of well-being, prosperity, and harmony. It is a holistic concept of peace that includes physical, emotional, and spiritual flourishing. Seeking the peace of the city involves working toward the well-being and prosperity of all its inhabitants.

  • Spiritual Well-Being and Peace:

Jeremiah also conveys the idea that the well-being of the people is interconnected with the well-being of the city. When the city prospers, they too will experience peace and prosperity. This principle extends to our own lives: when we actively contribute to the welfare of our communities, we often find a deeper sense of peace and purpose.

  • Prayer and Intercession:

The verse encourages prayer to Yahweh for the city. Interceding for one's community is an act of love and compassion. It recognizes that God's hand can bring about positive change and transformation in society.


1 Timothy 2:1-2: "I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and givings of thanks be made for all men: for kings and all who are in high places, that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and reverence."

This New Testament passage echoes the idea of praying for those in authority and for societal well-being.

Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says Yahweh, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you hope and a future."

This verse, found earlier in the same letter, reassures the exiles of God's plans for their welfare and future.

In conclusion, Jeremiah 29:7 is a verse that challenges us to seek the well-being and peace of the communities where we reside. It emphasizes our responsibility to contribute to the flourishing of society and calls us to pray for the prosperity and peace of our cities. In doing so, we not only fulfill our role as responsible citizens but also find a deeper sense of purpose and peace in our own lives.

Jeremiah 29:7. Seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to Yahweh for it; for in its peace you shall have peace.

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