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John 17:20-21 meaning

In this passage, Jesus is praying to God the Father just before his crucifixion. He prays for his disciples, but also for all believers who will come to believe in him in the future. He is asking for the unity of all believers. That all those who believe in him would be one, just as he and the Father are one. This unity is meant to be a powerful witness to the world of the reality of Jesus and his message. By being united, believers show the world that Jesus was sent by God, and that his message is true.

The unity that Jesus is praying for is not just a superficial or external unity. It is a unity that is rooted in the very nature of God. Jesus prays that believers would be one, just as he and the Father are one. This is a deep, intimate, and profound unity that is grounded in love and mutual indwelling. Jesus and the Father are united in a way that is both mysterious and profound. They are one in essence and nature, and yet distinct in personhood.

The unity that Jesus prays for is also a unity that transcends all divisions. It is a unity that encompasses all believers, regardless of race, ethnicity, language, social status, or any other human-made distinction. Jesus is praying for a unity that is based on the fact that all believers are in him, and he is in them. This is a unity that is supernatural and transcendent, and it is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The unity that Jesus prays for is not just for the sake of believers themselves. It is also for the sake of the world. Jesus says that the purpose of this unity is "so that the world may believe that you have sent me." The unity of believers is meant to be a witness to the world of the truth of Jesus and his message. When the world sees believers united in love and mutual support, it is a powerful testimony to the reality of Jesus and his message.

The unity that Jesus prays for is not something that can be achieved by human effort alone. It is a unity that can only be brought about by the power of the Holy Spirit. As believers yield themselves to the Spirit and allow him to work in their lives, they will be drawn into deeper unity with one another. This unity is not something that can be manufactured or imposed from the outside. It is a unity that comes from within, as believers are transformed by the power of the Spirit.

In conclusion, John 17:20-21 is a powerful prayer for the unity of all believers. Jesus prays that all those who believe in him would be one, just as he and the Father are one. This unity is meant to be a powerful witness to the world of the reality of Jesus and his message. It is a deep, intimate, and profound unity that transcends all divisions and is based on the fact that all believers are in Christ and he is in them. This unity can only be brought about by the power of the Holy Spirit, as believers yield themselves to him and allow him to work in their lives. As we strive for this unity, we become a powerful witness to the world of the love and truth of Jesus Christ.

See also: vs 22-23

John 17:20-21. Not for these only do I pray, but for those also who believe in me through their word, that they may all be one; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that you sent me.

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