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Leviticus 19:31 & meaning


turn to those who are mediums, nor to the wizards. Don’t seek them out, to be defiled by them. I am Yahweh your God.

Leviticus 19:31


“‘You shall keep my Sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary; I am Yahweh.

[31.] “‘Don’t turn to those who are mediums, nor to the wizards. Don’t seek them out, to be defiled by them. I am Yahweh your God.

“‘You shall rise up before the gray head, and honor the face of an old man, and you shall fear your God. I am Yahweh.

[33.] “‘If a stranger lives as a foreigner with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. The stranger who lives as a foreigner with you shall be to you as the native-born among you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you lived as foreigners in the land of Egypt. I am Yahweh your God.


This verse is part of the Holiness Code in Leviticus, a section of the Torah that provides ethical and ritual guidelines for the Israelites. 

Holiness Code: Leviticus 19 is part of what scholars call the Holiness Code, which spans chapters 17-26. This section of the Torah emphasizes the need for the Israelites to live holy lives, set apart for God. It covers various aspects of daily life, including worship, justice, relationships, and personal conduct.

Instructions for Holiness: The chapter begins with a call to holiness, reflecting God's nature: "You shall be holy; for I Yahweh your God am holy" (Leviticus 19:2). The instructions that follow provide concrete ways to live out this holiness.

  • Key Elements of the Verse:

Mediums and Wizards: These terms refer to individuals who claim to communicate with the dead or with spirits to gain knowledge or insight. In the ancient Near Eastern context, such practices were common among surrounding pagan cultures.

Don’t Seek Them Out: The command is clear and direct. The Israelites are forbidden from engaging with these practices. Seeking out mediums and wizards is seen as an act that defiles or makes one unclean.

Defilement: This defilement is not just ritualistic but moral and spiritual. It represents a breach of the covenant relationship with God.

I Am Yahweh Your God: The command ends with a reminder of the foundational relationship: Yahweh (the LORD) is their God. This affirmation underscores the reason for obedience and the exclusive nature of their devotion to Him.

Theological Significance

  • Exclusive Devotion to God:

Monotheism: This command reinforces the monotheistic faith of Israel. Unlike the surrounding nations, which practiced polytheism and sought guidance from various spiritual entities, Israel was to seek guidance exclusively from Yahweh.

Trust in God: Turning to mediums and wizards implies a lack of trust in God’s provision and guidance. It suggests seeking control or knowledge outside of God’s revealed will and wisdom.

  • Holiness and Purity:

Set Apart for God: Holiness involves being set apart for God’s purposes. Engaging with forbidden practices compromises this set-apartness and leads to spiritual impurity.

Moral and Spiritual Integrity: The call to avoid these practices is part of a broader ethic that emphasizes integrity in all aspects of life, reflecting God’s holy character.

Applications for Our Lives

  • Rejecting Modern Equivalents:

New Age Practices: Today, the equivalent might be New Age practices, astrology, psychics, or other forms of spiritualism that seek knowledge or control apart from God. We are called to reject these practices and trust in God’s guidance.

Faith in God’s Provision: Relying on God rather than seeking alternative spiritual sources demonstrates our faith in His provision and sovereignty.

  • Pursuing Holiness:

Holiness in Daily Life: Pursuing holiness means aligning our lives with God’s will and avoiding practices that lead us away from Him. This includes our thoughts, actions, and whom we seek for guidance.

Spiritual Discernment: Developing spiritual discernment is crucial. We need to be able to recognize practices or beliefs that are contrary to God’s word and avoid them.

  • Cultivating a Relationship with God:

Prayer and Scripture: Cultivate a deep relationship with God through prayer and engagement with Scripture. Seeking His wisdom and guidance directly rather than through intermediaries that are outside of His will.

Community and Accountability: Engage with a faith community that can provide support, guidance, and accountability. This helps us stay aligned with God’s will and resist the temptation to seek guidance from unholy sources.


Deuteronomy 18:10-12: "There shall not be found with you anyone who makes his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices sorcery, or an enchanter, or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or a consulter with a familiar spirit, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For whoever does these things is an abomination to Yahweh. Because of these abominations, Yahweh your God drives them out from before you." This passage reinforces the prohibition against engaging with occult practices and highlights their abominable nature before God.

Isaiah 8:19: "When they tell you, 'Consult with those who have familiar spirits and with the wizards, who chirp and mutter,' shouldn’t a people consult with their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?" Isaiah emphasizes consulting God rather than mediums or wizards, underscoring the absurdity of seeking the dead for the living.

Acts 16:16-18: "As we were going to prayer, a certain girl having a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much gain by fortune telling. Following Paul and us, she cried out, 'These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us a way of salvation!' She was doing this for many days. But Paul, becoming greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, 'I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her!' It came out that very hour." In the New Testament, Paul encounters a girl with a spirit of divination. He commands the spirit to leave her in the name of Jesus, demonstrating the authority of Christ over such spirits and the rejection of divination.

Conclusion: Leviticus 19:31 serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of exclusive devotion to God and the need to avoid practices that compromise our relationship with Him. By rejecting modern equivalents of mediums and wizards, we demonstrate our trust in God's provision and guidance. Pursuing holiness in our daily lives, developing spiritual discernment, and cultivating a deep relationship with God are essential steps in living out this command. Engaging with a faith community provides support and accountability, helping us stay aligned with God's will and resist the temptation to seek guidance from unholy sources. This verse, rooted in the broader biblical context, challenges us to live lives that reflect God's holy character and to seek Him alone for wisdom and direction.

PIB Scriptures are derived from the World English Bible


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