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Luke 11:2-4 meaning

The prayer begins with a revolutionary address—“Our Father.” In the cultural and religious context of Jesus' time, this intimate address to God was groundbreaking. It emphasizes a relational approach to the Almighty, highlighting the personal and familial nature of the believer's connection with God.

  • Hallowed be Your Name:

The next petition is a declaration of reverence—“Hallowed be your name.” This is an acknowledgment of the holiness and sanctity of God's name. It sets the tone for a posture of worship and recognition of God's supreme and untarnished nature.

  • Your Kingdom Come:

The plea for God's kingdom to come is a forward-looking expression of hope. It aligns with Jesus' overarching message about the arrival of the kingdom of God. This petition is a yearning for the reign and rule of God to manifest fully on earth, bringing about justice, righteousness, and the fulfillment of divine purposes.

  • Give Us Each Day Our Daily Bread:

The prayer then turns to a plea for provision—“Give us each day our daily bread.” It's a humble acknowledgment of dependence on God for sustenance. This phrase not only encompasses physical nourishment but also points to a broader reliance on God for all our needs.

  • Forgive Us Our Sins:

The acknowledgment of human fallibility follows with a request for forgiveness—“Forgive us our sins.” This phrase is a sober reminder of our constant need for God's mercy and grace. It also underscores the importance of repentance and humility in our relationship with God.

For We Ourselves Forgive Everyone Who is Indebted to Us:

The Lord's Prayer includes a challenging condition—“For we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us.” This clause links our request for forgiveness with our willingness to extend forgiveness to others. It echoes Jesus' teaching in Matthew 6:14-15, emphasizing the interconnectedness of divine forgiveness and our human relationships.

  • Lead Us Not into Temptation:

The final petition is a plea for divine guidance and protection—“And do not bring us into temptation.” It acknowledges human vulnerability and the need for God's help in navigating the challenges and temptations of life. It's a humble recognition of our dependence on God's wisdom and strength.

  • Practical Application:

The Lord's Prayer serves as a comprehensive guide for our prayer life. It encourages us to approach God with reverence, seek His will, depend on Him for our daily needs, repent of our sins, extend forgiveness to others, and ask for His guidance and protection.


Matthew 6:9-13: The parallel account in Matthew provides a slightly extended version of the Lord's Prayer, reinforcing the foundational elements of this model prayer.

Matthew 18:21-22: Jesus' teaching on forgiveness is further explored in this passage, where Peter asks about the limits of forgiveness, and Jesus responds with the powerful principle of unlimited forgiveness.

Conclusion: In Luke 11:2-4, Jesus gifts his disciples and, by extension, all believers, with a transformative blueprint for prayer. This model is not just a set of words to recite but a profound template for how we can approach God—relationally, reverently, and with an awareness of our continual need for His provision, forgiveness, and guidance.

See also: vs 5-8

Luke 11:2-4. He said to them, “When you pray, say, ‘Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us day by day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. Bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’”

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