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Luke 20:35-36 meaning

In these verses, Jesus is responding to a question posed by the Sadducees regarding marriage in the resurrection. He affirms that in the resurrection, there will be a significant change in the nature of relationships, and those who are considered worthy to attain to that age will experience a transformed existence.

The phrase "those who are considered worthy to attain to that age" refers to believers who have accepted Jesus Christ and are part of God's kingdom. These individuals, upon the resurrection from the dead, will experience a new state of existence beyond the limitations of mortal life.

Jesus clarifies that in the resurrection, the institution of marriage will not continue as it does on earth. There will be no need for procreation or the continuation of human lineage, as the focus will be on the eternal life and fellowship with God.

The phrase "neither marry, nor are given in marriage" highlights the distinction between earthly life and the eternal life to come. In this life, marriage is a divine institution that reflects the union between a man and a woman. However, in the resurrection, earthly relationships will no longer be necessary as believers will experience a more profound and intimate union with God.

The next statement, "For they can't die anymore," emphasizes the eternal nature of the resurrected life. In the present world, death is an inevitable part of human existence. However, in the resurrection, believers will be transformed and will no longer experience physical death. They will receive glorified, imperishable bodies like the angels.

The phrase "they are like the angels" means that in their resurrected state, believers will share certain characteristics with angels. Angels are heavenly beings, and they do not experience death or age as humans do. Similarly, believers, in their resurrected bodies, will be free from the limitations of mortality and will possess eternal life.

The following statement, "and are children of God, being children of the resurrection," highlights the intimate relationship between believers and God. Through faith in Jesus Christ, believers become children of God, part of His family. The resurrection is the defining moment when believers fully realize their status as God's children, inheriting eternal life in His presence.

As we contemplate the meaning of Luke 20:35-36, it is essential to understand that the focus is not solely on the absence of marriage in the resurrection, but on the transformation of believers into an eternal and glorious state. Marriage, as beautiful as it is, is a temporary institution designed for this present world. In the resurrection, we will experience a far greater and eternal union with God.

These verses also serve as a reminder of the hope and assurance that believers have in the resurrection. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we become part of the family of God and will one day share in the eternal life that He offers. The promise of resurrection and eternal life gives us comfort and joy in the face of earthly trials and challenges.

In conclusion, Luke 20:35-36 teaches us about the transformed nature of existence in the resurrection. Believers who are considered worthy to attain to that age will experience a new and eternal life, free from the limitations of mortality and physical death. In the resurrection, the institution of marriage will not continue, as believers will have a more profound and intimate union with God. The focus is on the eternal life and fellowship with God that believers will experience as children of God, sharing characteristics with the angels. As we embrace this hope, let us live with confidence, knowing that our eternal destiny is secure in the hands of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Luke 20:35-36. Those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage. For they can’t die any more, for they are like the angels, and are children of God, being children of the resurrection.

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