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Matthew 26:26-28 meaning

These verses capture the poignant moment of Jesus instituting the Lord's Supper during the Last Supper with His disciples. Matthew 26 records the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion. This chapter includes the Last Supper, where Jesus shared a final meal with His disciples before His arrest and crucifixion.

  • Institution of the Lord's Supper:

In these verses, Jesus takes the Passover meal and imbues it with profound spiritual significance. He uses the elements of bread and wine to establish the practice known as the Lord's Supper or Communion.

  • The Bread: 
Jesus took bread, gave thanks, and broke it. He then gave it to the disciples, explaining that the bread symbolized His body. This act foreshadowed His imminent sacrifice on the cross, where His body would be broken for the forgiveness of sins.

  • The Cup: 
Likewise, Jesus took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it to the disciples. He declared that the cup represented His blood—the blood of the new covenant. His blood would be shed for the remission (forgiveness) of sins, ushering in a new covenant between God and humanity.

  • Personal Reflection on the Lord's Supper:

As we consider Matthew 26:26-28, we're prompted to reflect on the profound significance of the Lord's Supper. These verses challenge us to remember and honor the sacrifice of Jesus for our redemption. The elements—bread and wine—serve as reminders of His broken body and shed blood, symbolizing His love and atonement for our sins.

Participating in the Lord's Supper isn't merely a ritual; it's a deeply spiritual act that invites us to connect with the heart of Jesus. It reminds us of His sacrifice, the new covenant He established, and our ongoing need for His forgiveness and grace.


1 Corinthians 11:23-26 - "For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which he was betrayed took bread; and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, 'Take, eat; this is my body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of me.'"

Matthew 26:26-28 encapsulates the powerful moment when Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper. These verses remind us of the deep significance of Communion, where we remember and honor the sacrifice of Christ through the symbols of bread and wine. As we partake in the Lord's Supper, may we be humbled by His love, reminded of His atoning work, and drawn into a closer relationship with Him, celebrating the new covenant He established for the forgiveness of sins.

Matthew 26:26-28. As they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks for it, and broke it. He gave to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” He took the cup, gave thanks, and gave to them, saying, “All of you drink it, for this is my blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many for the remission of sins.”

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