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Matthew 27:3-4 meaning

This passage follows the events of Jesus' arrest, trial, and condemnation to death. Judas, who had betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, now confronts the weight of guilt and remorse as he witnesses the consequences of his actions.

  • Judas' Remorse: A Painful Recognition:

"When he saw that Jesus was condemned." The realization that Jesus, whom he had followed and betrayed, was now condemned to death marks a moment of profound impact on Judas.

  • Remorseful Heart:

"Felt remorse." The Greek word used here is "metamelomai," signifying a deep regret or change of mind. This is not mere regret over the consequences of his actions but a true remorse over the moral and spiritual gravity of what he had done.

  • Returning the Thirty Pieces of Silver:

Judas takes a tangible step in expressing his remorse by returning the thirty pieces of silver. This act is symbolic of his desire to undo the betrayal, though the consequences are irreversible.

  • Confession of Sin:

"I have sinned in that I betrayed innocent blood." Judas confesses his sin, acknowledging the innocence of Jesus. This confession highlights a spiritual awakening to the gravity of his actions and the recognition of the innocence of the one he betrayed.

  • Leaders' Dismissive Attitude:

"What is that to us? You see to it." The chief priests and elders, having achieved their goal of condemning Jesus, show a cold indifference to Judas' remorse. They wash their hands of any responsibility for his internal struggle.

  • A Contrast in Responses:

While Judas expresses genuine remorse and attempts to make amends, the religious leaders, who played a role in orchestrating Jesus' arrest and trial, exhibit a callous and dismissive attitude.

Biblical and Theological Significance:

  • Repentance and Redemption:

Judas' remorse, though tragically late, illustrates the possibility of genuine repentance. The Bible teaches that true repentance involves a change of heart and turning away from sin. Unfortunately for Judas, the consequences of his actions were irreversible.

  • Innocence of Jesus:

Judas' acknowledgment of betraying innocent blood aligns with the broader biblical theme of Jesus' innocence. He was the sinless Lamb of God, bearing the weight of humanity's sins on the cross.

Application to Our Lives: Lessons from Judas' Remorse:

  • True Repentance:

Judas' story prompts us to reflect on the nature of true repentance. It involves not only feeling sorry for the consequences of our actions but a genuine change of heart that leads to turning away from sin.

  • Consequences of Betrayal:

The tragic end of Judas serves as a sobering reminder of the profound consequences of betrayal. Our choices, especially those that betray trust and integrity, can have lasting and irreversible effects.

  • The Innocence of Christ:

Judas' acknowledgment of Jesus' innocence echoes throughout Christian theology. The innocence of Jesus is foundational to the concept of His sacrificial death as the atonement for our sins.


Psalm 41:9: "Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me." This Old Testament prophecy from Psalms finds its fulfillment in Judas' betrayal, emphasizing the painful breach of trust.

Acts 1:18-19: "Now this man acquired a field with the reward of his wickedness, and falling headlong, he burst open in the middle and all his bowels gushed out." This passage in Acts provides additional details about the tragic end of Judas, highlighting the consequences of his betrayal.

Conclusion - Tragedy of Remorse Without Redemption: Matthew 27:3-4 captures a moment of profound tragedy in Judas' life—the realization of his betrayal, the deep remorse that follows, and the attempt to make amends. Yet, this remorse, tragically, does not lead to redemption for Judas. As we contemplate this passage, it serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of genuine repentance, the gravity of our choices, and the need for a Savior who can truly redeem and transform lives.

See also: vs 17-19

Matthew 27:3-4. Judas, who betrayed him, when he saw that Jesus was condemned, felt remorse, and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, saying, “I have sinned in that I betrayed innocent blood.”

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