TalkToTheWord is available

as a Web Chat window (HTML can be pasted into your website).
Chat to the Parsed Interactive Bible here
You can interact with the Word using brief sentences about anything in your heart - it is just between you and the Bible - the responses are purely in-context Scriptures.
This host site supports the full Bible chapter search feature. Each chapter can be searched by the book abbreviation and chapter but WITHOUT spaces and NO verse numbers, e.g. 1Sam1, 2Tim1 or Jam5 will return the whole chapter.
[Message TalkToTheWord for HTML. Available as Microsoft iframe (as above) or as Dialogflow df-messenger (chat pop-up). Please nominate which HTML you require (or both) and the website address (for quality assurance).]

Chat to the Parsed Interactive Bible here
You can interact with the Word using brief sentences about anything in your heart - it is just between you and the Bible - the responses are purely in-context Scriptures.
This host site supports the full Bible chapter search feature. Each chapter can be searched by the book abbreviation and chapter but WITHOUT spaces and NO verse numbers, e.g. 1Sam1, 2Tim1 or Jam5 will return the whole chapter.
[Message TalkToTheWord for HTML. Available as Microsoft iframe (as above) or as Dialogflow df-messenger (chat pop-up). Please nominate which HTML you require (or both) and the website address (for quality assurance).]