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Proverbs 19:27 meaning

This verse is a warning against neglecting the importance of learning and gaining knowledge. The idea is that if we stop listening to instruction or advice, we will stray from the path of wisdom and knowledge. The use of the term "cease to hear" implies that one has been receiving instruction, but has stopped paying attention to it.

The verse is often interpreted as a call to be diligent in seeking knowledge and wisdom, and to be open to instruction and guidance from others. It is a reminder that our growth and development as individuals depends, in part, on our willingness to listen, learn, and apply what we have learned.

Here are a few additional points to consider:

  • The importance of knowledge: 
In the book of Proverbs, wisdom and knowledge are highly valued, and they are seen as the foundation for living a successful and fulfilling life. This verse emphasizes the importance of being receptive to instruction and guidance, and of being committed to ongoing learning and growth.
  • The dangers of neglecting instruction: 
The verse warns against the dangers of neglecting instruction and straying from the path of wisdom and knowledge. By neglecting instruction, we run the risk of making poor decisions, missing out on important opportunities, and living a less fulfilling life.
  • The role of the parent: 
In this verse, the speaker is addressing a son, and the use of the term "my son" suggests that the speaker is a parent or a wise elder. This adds an additional layer of meaning to the verse, as it suggests that the parent is offering guidance and instruction to the son, and that the son is responsible for listening and following that guidance.


This verse can be applied to our lives in several ways. For example, it reminds us of the importance of being receptive to guidance and instruction, and of being committed to ongoing learning and growth. It also reminds us of the importance of being open to the advice and guidance of those who are older and wiser than us, and of being willing to learn from our mistakes.

Overall, this is a powerful and insightful verse that offers important wisdom and guidance for living a successful and fulfilling life. It reminds us of the importance of being receptive to instruction and guidance, and of being committed to ongoing learning and growth.

Proverbs 19:27. If you stop listening to instruction, my son, you will stray from the words of knowledge.

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