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Proverbs 23:6-7 meaning

This offers profound insights into human behavior, especially when it comes to hospitality and the true intentions of individuals. In this brief but thought-provoking passage, we are warned against dining with someone who has a "stingy eye" and cautioned not to crave their delicacies. The verse goes on to reveal a sobering truth: while the host may invite you to "eat and drink," their heart is not genuinely with you.

  • Context:

Proverbs, often attributed to King Solomon, is a rich collection of wisdom literature found in the Old Testament. These verses are situated within a section of Proverbs that provides guidance on navigating various social situations and interacting with different types of people. This particular passage addresses the dynamics of hospitality, generosity, and discernment in human relationships.

  • Key Points:

Beware of the Stingy Host: The passage opens with a clear warning—do not partake in the food of someone with a "stingy eye." This phrase refers to an individual who is miserly, selfish, and overly concerned with costs. Such people are hesitant to be generous and may prioritize their own interests over the well-being of their guests.

Hidden Motives: The passage unveils a deeper truth about such individuals. Despite their outward invitation to "eat and drink," their heart is not aligned with the spirit of hospitality. They may go through the motions of offering a meal, but their true motive is to minimize their own expenses rather than genuinely share in fellowship and hospitality.

  • Significance:

Discernment: These verses emphasize the importance of discernment in relationships. They remind us that not everyone who extends an invitation or appears generous has sincere intentions. It's crucial to look beyond surface gestures.

Authenticity: Authenticity is highly valued. The passage encourages individuals to act in alignment with their true intentions. It highlights the contrast between genuine generosity and the mere appearance of it.

The Value of True Generosity: Authentic generosity, characterized by a willingness to share without hidden agendas, is celebrated. It is a reminder of the virtues of selflessness and openness in our interactions with others.

  • Application:

Discernment in Relationships: It prompts believers to exercise discernment when forming and maintaining relationships. Not all invitations or gestures of generosity come from sincere intentions.

Genuine Generosity: Christians are encouraged to practice genuine generosity, extending kindness and hospitality without hidden motives.

Authenticity: The passage underscores the importance of authenticity in one's actions, aligning behavior with genuine intentions.


1 John 3:18: "My little children, let’s not love in word only, or with the tongue only, but in deed and truth." This verse echoes the sentiment that genuine love and generosity should be expressed through actions, not mere words.

Proverbs 19:22: "That which makes a man to be desired is his kindness. A poor man is better than a liar." Kindness and authenticity are esteemed qualities in relationships.

Proverbs 23:6-7 imparts wisdom about discerning the authenticity of hospitality and generosity in relationships. It underscores the importance of genuine generosity and authenticity in one's actions, cautioning against those who may appear generous but lack sincerity.

Proverbs 23:6-7. Don’t eat the food of him who has a stingy eye, and don’t crave his delicacies: for as he thinks about the cost, so he is. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, but his heart is not with you.

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