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Psalm 130:5 & meaning

I wait 

for Yahweh. My soul waits. I hope in his word.

Psalm 130:5


Psalm 130 [1.] Out of the depths I have cried to you, Yahweh.

Lord, hear my voice.

    Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my petitions.

If you, Yah, kept a record of sins,

    Lord, who could stand?

But there is forgiveness with you,

    therefore you are feared.

Psalm 130 [5.] I wait for Yahweh.

    My soul waits.

    I hope in his word.

My soul longs for the Lord more than watchmen long for the morning;

    more than watchmen for the morning.

Israel, hope in Yahweh,

    for with Yahweh there is loving kindness.

    With him is abundant redemption.

He will redeem Israel from all their sins.


  • Waiting for Yahweh:

The opening phrase, "I wait for Yahweh," encapsulates a sentiment familiar to the human condition—waiting. Waiting is not just the passive passage of time; it's an active stance, an anticipation that involves patience, trust, and a deep sense of expectation. In the context of faith, waiting for Yahweh signifies a conscious choice to rely on God's timing and sovereignty.

  • The Soul's Waiting:

"My soul waits." This statement moves beyond a mere physical act of waiting; it delves into the depths of the soul. The soul, often considered the seat of one's emotions and spiritual essence, is engaged in this patient anticipation. It implies a holistic, heartfelt longing for Yahweh's intervention or presence.

  • Hope in His Word:

"I hope in his word." Here, hope is anchored in the divine promise. The Word of Yahweh, the sacred scriptures, becomes the foundation of hope. This points to the transformative power of God's spoken and written promises. In the face of uncertainty, the believer finds assurance and optimism in the enduring truth encapsulated in Yahweh's word.


Faith in Action: Psalm 130:5 captures faith in action—waiting, hoping, and trusting. It acknowledges that faith is not passive; it's a dynamic, lived experience that involves the entirety of one's being.

Temporal and Eternal Waiting: The act of waiting for Yahweh encompasses both temporal and eternal dimensions. It acknowledges that while waiting for specific outcomes in our lives, we are also awaiting the ultimate fulfillment of God's promises in the grand narrative of redemption.

The Transformative Power of Hope: The choice to hope in Yahweh's word is transformative. It suggests that even in the midst of challenges, the believer's perspective is shaped by the assurance found in God's promises. This hope becomes an anchor that steadies the soul amidst life's storms.

Alignment with Divine Timing: Waiting for Yahweh implies a surrender to divine timing. It recognizes that God's plans unfold in His perfect timing, and the believer's role is to patiently wait, confident that Yahweh's timing is always purposeful.

Cross References: 

Isaiah 40:31: "But those who wait for Yahweh will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run, and not be weary. They will walk, and not faint." This verse echoes the theme of waiting on Yahweh and highlights the transformative outcome—renewed strength and endurance.

Lamentations 3:25-26: "Yahweh is good to those who wait for him, to the soul that seeks him. It is good that a man should hope and quietly wait for the salvation of Yahweh." These verses reinforce the goodness of waiting for Yahweh and the connection between hope and patient waiting.

In Conclusion: Psalm 130:5 invites us into a sacred space of waiting and hoping—a space where the soul actively engages in patient anticipation, finding its anchor in the promises of Yahweh. It's a verse that speaks to the universal human experience of waiting and, in doing so, points to the profound intersection of faith, hope, and the enduring word of God.

PIB Scriptures are derived from the World English Bible

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