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Psalm 96:12-13 & meaning


the field and all that is in it exult! Then all the trees of the woods shall sing for joy...

Psalm 96:12


Psalm 96 [10.] Say among the nations, “Yahweh reigns.”

   The world is also established.

   It can’t be moved.

   He will judge the peoples with equity.

Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice.

   Let the sea roar, and its fullness!

   Let the field and all that is in it exult!

   Then all the trees of the woods shall sing for joy

   before Yahweh; for he comes,

   for he comes to judge the earth.

He will judge the world with righteousness,

   the peoples with his truth.


These verses come from a joyful and exuberant psalm that celebrates the majesty of God and His righteous reign over all creation. In Psalm 96, we find a call to worship that extends beyond humanity to include all of nature. The verses emphasize the response of creation to the coming of the Lord, who will judge the world in righteousness and truth.

  • A Song of Praise:

Universal Call to Worship: Psalm 96 is a hymn that invites all of creation to join in worshiping God. It begins with a call to "sing to Yahweh a new song" (Psalm 96:1), inviting "all the earth" to sing to the Lord and declare His glory among the nations. The psalm highlights God's greatness and His worthiness to be praised above all other gods, who are mere idols (Psalm 96:4-5).

The Lord's Sovereignty: The psalm celebrates God's sovereignty over the entire world. It declares that "Yahweh reigns" (Psalm 96:10), affirming His control and authority over all nations and all of creation. This declaration of God’s reign is a source of joy and comfort for His people, as it assures them that the world is not ruled by chaos or evil but by a righteous and just God.

  • The Coming of the Lord:

Anticipation of Judgment: The latter part of Psalm 96, including verses 12-13, shifts the focus to the coming of the Lord as the righteous judge of the earth. This anticipated event is portrayed as a cause for great joy, not fear, because God’s judgment is characterized by righteousness and truth. Unlike human judgment, which can be flawed and unjust, God’s judgment is perfect and fair.


  • Creation's Response to God’s Reign:

Nature's Participation in Worship: Verses 12-13 depict nature itself—fields, trees, and all that is in them—rejoicing before the Lord. This imagery suggests that all of creation is involved in the worship of God. The fields "exult" and the trees "sing for joy," indicating that creation recognizes and responds to the presence and justice of its Creator. This poetic personification of nature highlights the interconnectedness of all creation under God’s rule.

Harmony in Creation: The rejoicing of nature reflects a harmonious relationship between creation and its Creator. When God comes to judge the earth, all of creation responds with joy because it recognizes the goodness and righteousness of God’s judgment. This harmony contrasts with the disorder and destruction caused by sin and human rebellion against God. The imagery evokes a sense of restoration, where creation is set free from the bondage of decay and participates in the joy of God’s kingdom (Romans 8:19-21).

  • The Righteous Judgment of God:

Judgment with Righteousness and Truth: God’s judgment is described as being carried out with "righteousness" and "truth." This means that His judgment is based on what is right and true, in accordance with His holy character. Unlike human judges, who can be swayed by biases, ignorance, or corruption, God’s judgment is perfect and just. He sees the truth of every situation and judges accordingly.

A Cause for Joy: The anticipation of God’s judgment is a cause for joy, not dread, in this psalm. For those who love righteousness and seek justice, the coming of the Lord is a welcome event because it means that wrongs will be made right, and truth will prevail. This joyful anticipation is echoed in other parts of Scripture, such as Revelation 19:1-2, where the multitude in heaven rejoices at the righteous judgments of God.

Theological Reflection:

  • The Universal Scope of Worship:

All Creation Praises God: Psalm 96:12-13 reminds us that worship is not limited to human beings; all of creation is involved in glorifying God. This broader perspective on worship challenges us to see our relationship with God in the context of the whole created order. Just as the fields and trees rejoice in God’s presence, we too are called to join in the chorus of praise that echoes throughout creation.

Stewardship of Creation: The depiction of creation rejoicing also underscores the importance of stewardship. As caretakers of God’s creation, we have a responsibility to ensure that the earth can continue to "exult" and "sing for joy." This involves caring for the environment, protecting natural habitats, and promoting practices that sustain the health of the planet. When we steward creation well, we participate in its worship of God.

  • The Certainty of God’s Justice:

Hope in God’s Righteous Judgment: The certainty of God’s righteous judgment provides hope for the world. In a world where injustice often prevails and where truth is sometimes obscured, the promise that God will come to judge with righteousness and truth is a source of comfort and assurance. We can trust that, in the end, justice will be done, and all wrongs will be righted.

Living in Light of God’s Judgment: Knowing that God will judge the earth should also impact how we live our lives. We are called to live righteously and truthfully, reflecting the character of God in our actions and decisions. This means pursuing justice, standing for truth, and living in a way that honors God’s righteous standards. As we do so, we align ourselves with the joyful anticipation of God’s coming reign.

Practical Applications

  • Engaging in Creation’s Worship:

Joining the Song of Creation: We can actively participate in the worship of God by recognizing and celebrating His presence in creation. This can involve spending time in nature, reflecting on the beauty and majesty of the natural world, and offering praise to God for His creative work. By doing so, we join the fields and trees in their joyful song.

Promoting Environmental Stewardship: As part of our worship, we can commit to caring for the environment and promoting practices that allow creation to thrive. This might involve simple actions like recycling, reducing waste, or supporting conservation efforts. By stewarding creation well, we honor God and contribute to the ongoing worship of all creation.

  • Embracing God’s Righteousness and Truth:

Pursuing Justice in Our Lives: In light of God’s righteous judgment, we are called to pursue justice in our own lives and in the world around us. This involves standing against injustice, advocating for the oppressed, and working to create a society that reflects God’s righteousness and truth. Our actions can be a witness to the coming reign of God, where justice will be fully realized.

Living with Joyful Anticipation: Finally, we are encouraged to live with joyful anticipation of God’s coming reign. This means living each day with the hope and assurance that God’s justice will prevail. We can find peace and joy in knowing that, no matter how difficult or unjust the present may seem, God is in control, and His righteous judgment is certain.

Conclusion: Psalm 96:12-13 offers a powerful vision of the joyful response of creation to the coming of the Lord. It reminds us of the universal scope of worship and the certainty of God’s righteous judgment. As we reflect on these verses, we are called to join in the worship of God, care for His creation, and live in a way that reflects His righteousness and truth. This joyful anticipation of God’s coming reign should fill our hearts with hope, peace, and a renewed commitment to live for His glory.

PIB Scriptures are derived from the World English Bible


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