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Romans 16:17-18 meaning

The apostle opens with a heartfelt plea, addressing the believers as "brothers." In this familial context, Paul urges vigilance: "Now I beg you, brothers, look out for those who are causing the divisions and occasions of stumbling." The emphasis is on safeguarding the unity of the faith community and being attentive to influences that may lead believers astray.

  • Contrary to Sound Doctrine:

Paul clarifies the nature of these divisive individuals, highlighting that their actions run "contrary to the doctrine which you learned." The reference to doctrine underscores the importance of adhering to sound teaching and biblical principles. The admonition is not merely about personal preferences but aligning with the foundational truths of the Christian faith.

"For those who are such don’t serve our Lord, Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by their smooth and flattering speech, they deceive the hearts of the innocent." (Romans 16:18)

  • Motives Exposed:

In verse 18, Paul delves into the motives behind these divisive influences. He asserts, "For those who are such don’t serve our Lord, Jesus Christ, but their own belly." This powerful imagery suggests self-serving motives, where personal desires and appetites take precedence over the genuine service of Christ.

  • Deceptive Tactics:

Paul goes on to expose the deceptive tactics employed by these individuals: "and by their smooth and flattering speech, they deceive the hearts of the innocent." The use of "smooth and flattering speech" underscores the danger of eloquence used for deceitful purposes. The target is not the seasoned believer but the "hearts of the innocent," emphasizing the vulnerability of those less experienced in discerning such tactics.

  • Significance of the Passage:

Preserving Unity: The passage underscores the importance of preserving unity within the Christian community and being vigilant against divisive influences that can lead to stumbling.

Discernment in Doctrine: It emphasizes the need for discernment in adhering to sound doctrine, highlighting that unity is not at the expense of compromising essential truths of the faith.

Motives and Deceptive Tactics: By exposing the motives and tactics of those causing divisions, the passage serves as a call to spiritual discernment and a reminder that appearances can be deceiving.

Relevance Today:

Navigating Doctrinal Challenges: In a diverse theological landscape, the passage encourages believers to navigate doctrinal challenges with discernment, holding fast to foundational biblical truths.

Guarding Against Deception: The warning against smooth and flattering speech resonates in a world where persuasive communication can sometimes mask deceptive motives. Believers are urged to remain vigilant.

Cultivating Unity: As the Church faces various influences, the call to preserve unity remains crucial. It prompts believers to prioritize the unity of the faith community while upholding the core tenets of Christian doctrine.


Ephesians 4:14: "that we may no longer be children, tossed back and forth and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in craftiness, after the wiles of error." This verse aligns with the call for discernment and stability in the face of deceptive influences.

2 Timothy 4:3-4: "For the time will come when they will not listen to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves teachers after their own lusts; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside to fables." This passage echoes the warning about a departure from sound doctrine.

Romans 16:17-18 serves as a timeless reminder to the Church, urging believers to be vigilant, discerning, and committed to the unity and sound doctrine that characterize the body of Christ.

Romans 16:17-18. Now I beg you, brothers, look out for those who are causing the divisions and occasions of stumbling, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and turn away from them. For those who are such don’t serve our Lord, Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by their smooth and flattering speech, they deceive the hearts of the innocent.

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